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The "purple pill" aka
"Why do I have to choose?"

In this world full of chaos, the only way to survive is by staying ahead of inevitable dangers - which will affect everyone. That's where "the Purple Pill" comes in. With this unique approach to apocalypse survival, you'll be able to stay sane, safe and alive in a world where you'll be constantly under threat, without having to fight unnecessarily for it. Through my expert guidance, you'll learn how to stay clear of harmful advances and emerge a survivor. So, with the help of "the Purple Pill approach" and the White Rabbit's guidance, you will learn the skills and techniques you need. You know, to stay alive and all. So don't wait - take the Purple Pill and get ready for a unique opportunity to spend the apocalypse "relatively unharmed" by whatever may emerge of trials and tribulations :)

You know what they say?
Are you laughing yet? :)
I have to warn you, though
You see...
What problem?
I like to simplify things
How do you avoid attracting this deadly illness?
But I have to admit
It's a funny story, then
It's an even funnier story
"An unlubed [cactus]"
I have to be honest with you
"The Messiah of Silence"
So how did I do it?
You should want to eat my cake!!!
This is a funny story
"The Beekeeper"
So, to conclude
Not this type of kiss

What is "the Purple Pill approach"? It means:

1: that you've already taken "the Red Pill"

2: that you accept a certain level of restrictions and control imposed on you by the powers governing the Matrix. And

3: you let the flipping Messiah and White Rabbit keep you safe because that's your best option :) :) :)

One thing is more important than anything else, when faced with a new reality where each choice leads you closer to your 'final destination'. Which one thing would that be? The ability to observe reality, events and your own place within this cleverly designed 'squid game' from a meta perspective. We can also call it a 'lord of the flies' event, if that reference is easier to understand. The bottom line is that this event will affect everyone, regardless of creed, nationality, perceived value and social status, gender, gender identity, geographical origin - you name it. It means that you are all aboard the same sinking ship. Nobody is guaranteed a happy outcome, but treating the One person who can ensure you do end up at 'the good place' like she's insignificant will be... counterintuitive. To say the least. But feel free to try surviving the apocalypse without the actual Messiah's protection :) :) :)

World As We Know It Is Ending
What should be done... order to come out of...
...the actual apocalypse...
"There’s a war going on
Mess Around And Find Out
I have to be honest with you
But as you probably already know:
That this is my new Father
How did I do it?
That's rad
How will I make a difference?
It's true, though
And while 'the world' only saw someone struggling...
"Elohimâ„¢ fixes the world for you!"
The Joker says:
"Cake inoculations"
One clue:
"Perfection through suffering"
"Under Paris"
"The Evil Eye"
The specialities of the Divine Feminine...

When your worlds are worn, you look inside - Fight the power, stop the divide - Four eyes, two gills, one human nose - Wrap your arms around me in the river floes - We're half clothed in island love

An "Elephant in the room" production:

© 2025 Heaven Inc. / New Girl Order™

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